Texas Killing Fields
A transplanted NY cop and a local detective investigating unsolved murders find themselves heading for the bayous of southeast Texas to save a young girl from a serial killer....
Starring Sam Worthington, Jeffrey Dean Morgan, Jessica Chastain
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Texas Killing Fields
A transplanted NY cop and a local detective investigating unsolved murders find themselves heading for the bayous of southeast Texas to save a young girl from a serial killer....
Starring Sam Worthington, Jeffrey Dean Morgan, Jessica Chastain
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Sam WorthingtonJeffrey Dean MorganJessica ChastainChloë Grace MoretzSheryl LeeAnnabeth GishStephen GrahamJason ClarkeJon EyezLyle BrocatoSean Michael Cunningham
Sam Worthington, Jeffrey Dean Morgan, Jessica Chastain, Chloë Grace Moretz, Sheryl Lee, Annabeth Gish, Stephen Graham, Jason Clarke, Jon Eyez, Lyle Brocato, Sean Michael CunninghamGet even more with STARZ
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