National Lampoon's Dorm Daze 2
This sequel to Dorm Daze has most of the original group of college students on a cruise ship in the Pacific, putting on a school play which takes a turn involving the theft of a priceless diamond....
Starring Gable Carr, Patrick Casey, Scott Hillenbrand
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National Lampoon's Dorm Daze 2
This sequel to Dorm Daze has most of the original group of college students on a cruise ship in the Pacific, putting on a school play which takes a turn involving the theft of a priceless diamond....
Starring Gable Carr, Patrick Casey, Scott Hillenbrand
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Gable CarrPatrick CaseyScott HillenbrandPatrick CavanaughJames DeBelloMarieh DelfinoTony DenmanLarry DrakeDanielle FishelVida GuerraJeremy HowardCharles Shaughnessy
Gable Carr, Patrick Casey, Scott Hillenbrand, Patrick Cavanaugh, James DeBello, Marieh Delfino, Tony Denman, Larry Drake, Danielle Fishel, Vida Guerra, Jeremy Howard, Charles ShaughnessyDirected By
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